In perioada 17-18 aprilie 2008 va avea loc la Bucureşti, la sediul Universităţii Naţionale de Apărare Carol I a 4-a Conferinţă Ştiinţifică cu participare internaţională eLSE: e-Learning and software for education. Tema conferinţei este: e-Learning network based education – student oriented. Data limită pentru înscriere: 22 ianuarie ( the line of the previous three editions, the purpose of the annual eLSE conference is to promote e-Learning related activities by providing a forum for exchange of ideas, presentation of technical achievements, and discussion of future directions.
Since 2005, more than 300 authors, both Romanian and foreigners, have used this conference to share their lessons learned, progress in software development and research results on e-learning topics such as: build up functional learning management systems, knowledge databases, computer aided assessment tools and standardized digital content
The event is organized by the Advanced Distributed Learning Department, and it is part of a fruitful effort aimed to improve the quality of learning for the “Carol I” National Defence University students.
Well known companies promoted their products during eLSE conferences, in the form of Corporate Showcases, Corporate Demonstrations, and other types of presentations.
Past successes have taken the eLSE to a new dimension and the theme of this year’s conference is:
"e-Learning network based education – student oriented."
Papers describing original works on applicable solutions in the field of educational processes, theories, methodologies, and software solutions are invited for presentation in the conference.
Registration and all other details are published on the web page or provided on request via e-mail: