Web 2.0, social media si noile tehnologii in educatie


Utilizate in invatamant, instrumentele web 2.0, social media si noile tehnologii pot reforma cu adevarat educatia din Romania; de aceea invit expertii elearning si profesorii care utilizeaza noile tehnologii in educatie si cunosc limba engleza sa se alature retelei sociale http://grou.ps/web20andsocialmediaeducationstill20 unde au posibilitatea sa colaboreze cu alti experti elearning care utilizeaza noile tehnologii in educatie.

Utilizarea web 2.0, social media si a noilor tehnologii in educatie pot schimba si face mai atractiv procesul instructiv educativ din Romania si din acest motiv am hotarat sa lansez aceasta retea sociala in limba engleza in cadrul careia sunt invitati sa colaboreze profesori si experti elearning din Romania pentru ca impreuna cu alti profesori si experti elearning din intreaga lume sa realizam o retea importanta http://grou.ps/web20andsocialmediaeducationstill20 si o wiki http://web20andsocialmediaineducation2010.wikispaces.com/web+20+and+new+tehnologies+in+education+ care sa contina instrumente si aplicatii web 2.0 si social media care pot face procesul de invatamant mai interesant si interactiv atat pentru elevi cat si pentru profesori. Astfel in cadrul grupurilor realizate discutam despre: social networking; blogging; microblogging; tools and applications web 2.0 and social media; online-classes; on-line web conferencing and webinars; photos, animations, presentations, podcasting, videos, Wikis and second life in education, free chats si altele. Deasemenea, daca cineva doreste si stie, am putea o data la doua saptamani sa selectam cele mai utile si interesante materiale si sa le publicam pe un blog.

In viitor doresc ca pentru acest proiect sa facem o regiune in second life cu filmulete, prezentari si alte materiale utile si interesante dar pentru acest lucru am nevoie de colaboratori.

Mai jos sunt mai multe informatii in limba engleza:

Information about me – I was selected this year to work at the Internet Safety Project under EUN read:


My blog in romanian language : http://dumacornellucian.blogspot.com/

My PLN blog: http://teacherluciandumaweb20.blogspot.com/

New My Second Life blog : http://teacherluciandumasecondlife.blogspot.com/

My facebook : DUMACORNELLUCIAN http://www.facebook.com/DUMACORNELLUCIAN?ref=name

My Yahoo ID: luciane_twining@yahoo.com and messenger utzu.simona@yahoo.com


My Google Buzz account : http://www.google.com/profiles/pr.lucian#buzz

My e-portfolio eTwinning : http://www.netvibes.com/dumacornellucian#My_projects

More ; http://www.netvibes.com/dumacornellucian#Generalhttp://www.netvibes.com/dumacornellucian#General

Follow me on Twitter http://twitter.com/dumacornellucia

My google account http://www.google.com/profiles/pr.lucian#buzz

All accounts in one place http://www.profilactic.com/mashup/DUMACORNELLUCIAN.

See also http://flavors.me/dumacornellucian and http://dumacornellucian.gizapage.com/.

Other information about me:

Coordinator for international educational project "Different, but equal – partenership and collaboration between students with special needs in Europe". I organized in this project international contest, international exhibition and International symposium. I speak about this project in European Parliament from Brusseles because I was selected in the 8 finalists from 44 participants in AtmosphEuropa Conest http://differentbutequaletwinning.blogspot.com/2009/11/atmospheuropa-contest-for-young.html. I involved in this project teachers and students from 12 countries and I have also parteners 100 teachers from Romania. See Social Network for european parteners http://differentbutequalletwinning.ning.com/ and also the blog http://differentbutequaletwinning.blogspot.com/. I want to show also social network for Romanian parteners here http://proiectdiferitidaregali.ning.com/ and Blog here http://proiectinternationaldiferitidaregali.blogspot.com/



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