The European e-Skills 2009 Conference: Fostering ICT Professionalism


The European e-Skills 2009 Conference: Fostering ICT Professionalism is organised by the European Commission and the European Economic and Social Committee in partnership with the Council of European Professional Informatics Societies and other leading stakeholders. It will bring together experts from governments, academia, ICT industry, ICT professional bodies and other stakeholders.

The European Commission adopted in September 2007 a Communication on “e-Skills for the 21st Century” presenting a long term e-skills agenda and including five major action lines at the European level. The Competitiveness Council of Ministers welcomed this Communication and adopted Conclusions on a long term e-skills strategy at its meeting on 22-23 November 2007.

A successful implementation of an e-skills strategy in Europe is considered of great importance within the Lisbon strategy and as a part of lifelong learning strategies.

The conference will address:
    * The crucial importance of ICT Professionalism for the EU economy and society;
    * The progress of the implementation the of e-skills strategy and projects;
    * The road ahead for a coordinated strategy to foster ICT professionalism, e-skills and innovation for economic recovery.

Participation at the conference is free of charge but on invitation only.
If you would like to participate, please fill-in the pre-registration form. The organiser will contact you in due time



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