Learning 2.0: Innovations on Education and Training in Europe


The Publicatios of Institute for Prospective Technological Studies(IPTS) focuses on policy challenges of strategic importance to the European Union. The Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS) is one of the seven scientific institutes of the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC). These reports focus on specific scientific and technical issues which have an actual or potential impact on EU policymaking.

The Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS)
Web page: http://ipts.jrc.ec.europa.eu (Seville, SPAIN)

Mission: "IPTS promotes and enables a better understanding of the links between technology, economy and society. Its mission is to provide customer-driven support to the EU policy-making process by developing science-based responses to policy challenges that have both a socio-economic as well as a scientific/ technological dimension. The Institute’s main activities relate to providing strategic support for the conception and development of EU policies. Its core competence is the ability to work at the intersection between the socio-economic aspects of an issue and the science and technology involved."

PUBLICATIONS (Reports): http://ipts.jrc.ec.europa.eu/publications

Learning 2.0 – The Impact of Social Media on Learning in Europe

"Recent research conducted by the Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS) indicates that the high take up of social media applications outside formal educational settings provides new opportunities for innovating and modernising Education and Training institutions and for preparing learners for the 21st century. These learning strategies can also help address the four strategic challenges of European Education and Training policies in the years leading up to 2020, thus contributing to the modernisation of Education and Training in Europe"

Technical Note JRC56958, Authors: Christine Redecker, Kirsti Ala-Mutka and Yves Punie

Source: http://ipts.jrc.ec.europa.eu/publications/pub.cfm?id=3099
Download: http://ftp.jrc.es/EURdoc/JRC56958.pdf

Learning 2.0: The Impact of Web 2.0 Innovations on Education and Training in Europe

"Over the last few years, “Web 2.0” or “social computing” applications like blogs, wikis, photo- and video-sharing sites, and also online social networking sites and virtual worlds, have seen unprecedented take up. The evidence gathered suggests that Learning 2.0 approaches can facilitate technological, pedagogical and organisationa lnnovation in Education and Training and thus contribute to the modernisation of European Education and Training institutions deemed necessary to face the challenges of the 21st century."

Technical Note 24103, Authors: hristine Redecker, Kirsti Ala-Mutka, Margherita Bacigalupo, Anusca Ferrari and Yves Punie

Source: http://ipts.jrc.ec.europa.eu/publications/pub.cfm?id=2899
Download: http://ftp.jrc.es/EURdoc/JRC55629.pdf

1. http://ipts.jrc.ec.europa.eu
2. http://virtuallearning.ning.com


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