eLSE 2016 – Call for Papers



The 12th eLearning and Software for Education Conference – eLSE 2016 is organized by the Romanian Advanced Distributed Learning Partnership Lab under the patronage of Carol I National Defence University and European Security and Defence College (ESDC) as an eLearning related international conference and will be held in Bucharest, April 21st – 22nd 2016.

Central theme of eLSE 2016 is eLearning Vision 2020!

The purpose of the annual international scientific conference on „eLearning and software for education” is to enable the academia, research, and corporate entities to boost the potential of the technology enhanced learning environments, by providing a forum for exchange of ideas, research outcomes, business case and technical achievements. Academics, independent scholars, researchers and students from all around the world are invited to meet, exchange ideas and discuss issues concerning all fields of Education.


The conference is particularly focused, but not limited to the following panels:

  • eLearning Vision 2020 versus Learning evolution- perspective on design, development, and deployment.
  • eEducation and eTraining challenges and  trends for Crisis Management and the Security and Defence domains.
  • Pedagogy and psychology in new learning environments.
  • Technological innovations in eLearning.
  • Best practice in online education and training.
  • Social, cultural and ethical dimensions of eLearning.
  • Serious Games and gamification.


The general principles applying to all scientific contributions are:

Abstracts should clearly outline your intentions in at least 250 words and will be submitted only on the conference website.
Papers should be submitted only on the conference website using the camera ready template model.
All participants must register and all papers should be covered by one conference fee.
The conference venue will basic equipment needed for presentations.
The proceedings will be available on the http://proceedings.elseconference.eu and will be sent for indexation in CEEOL, PROQUEST, EBSCO and THOMSON REUTERS databases. Selected papers may be invited for publication in Journal of Advanced Distributed Learning Technology.

While eLSE does encourage commercial participation, but it is mainly a scientific event. The conference relates and displays commercial activities throughout the eLSE program in the form of Products/Services Showcase and other presentations by companies.

More information log on to www.elseconference.eu or email us at office@elseconference.eu

We invite you to attend eLSE 2016 and submit proposals for papers, panels, best practices, roundtables, workshops, research/technical showcases, products/services showcases, products/services presentations, and poster presentations.