Call for proposals to develop content for the online portal TVETipedia


UNESCO-UNEVOC invites the submission of proposals to right content for its TVETipedia portal.

UNESCO-UNEVOC launched in 2009 the new Internet portal TVETipedia (

TVETipedia aims to promote TVET development and innovation and to enable TVET policy makers, researchers and practitioners around the world to share information and learn from each others’ experience.

UNESCO-UNEVOC invites the submission of proposals to right content for its TVETipedia portal relating one or more of the following themes:

  • TVET policy reform and implementation,
  • Innovation in TVET curricula / improving the relevance of curricula,
  • Involvement of industry in TVET curriculum develepment,
  • TVET teacher development / updating the skills of vocational educators,
  • Improving employment prospects and Financing of TVET.

Short description of the intended contributions should be sent by 13 August 2010 to Maja Zarini at or to


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