Call for Proposals (FP7): The ICT Policy Support Programme


The programme addresses obstacles hindering further and better use of ICT based products and services and barriers for the development of high growth businesses, notably SMEs, in this field. In addition to illustrating and validating the high value of digital technologies for the economy and society, it will foster the development of EU-wide markets for innovations enabling every company in Europe to benefit from the largest internal market in the world. Deadline: 01/06/2011.

Name of the programme and of the thematic/horizontal area:
The ICT Policy Support Programme


Information on funding

FP7 Cooperation

ICT for low carbon economy and smart mobility; digital content; ICT for health, ageing well and inclusion; ICT for innovative government and public services; and open innovation for internet-enabled services.

Call identifier:
CIP-ICT PSP-2011-5

Budget for the call:
EUR 115.5 million

Publication Date:
28/02/2011 09:00

01/06/2011 17:00

Short introduction to the programme / what is it about? How may WBC participate?:

The ICT Policy Support Programme (or ICT PSP) aims at stimulating innovation and competitiveness through the wider uptake and best use of ICT by citizens, governments and businesses.

The draft work programme 2011 for the ‘ICT Policy Support Programme’ (ICT PSP) was approved by the Programme Comittee of the member states. The formal adoption of the Work Programme 2011 with a proposed budget of EUR 125 million is expected for the end of February 2011. The ICT PSP call 5 will be published soon after the formal adoption.

It provides EU funding to support the realisation of the Digital agenda for Europe.

The programme addresses obstacles hindering further and better use of ICT based products and services and barriers for the development of high growth businesses, notably SMEs, in this field. In addition to illustrating and validating the high value of digital technologies for the economy and society, it will foster the development of EU-wide markets for innovations enabling every company in Europe to benefit from the largest internal market in the world.

Particular emphasis is put on areas of public interest given their weight in the European economy and the unique solutions that ICT can bring to the societal challenges that lie ahead such as health and ageing, inclusion, energy efficiency, sustainable mobility, culture preservation and learning as well as efficient public administrations. The main challenges include the relatively slow uptake of ICT innovations in the public sector and the high fragmentation of relevant markets due notably to a lack of interoperability between ICT solutions deployed across the Member States and Associated Countries.

The ICT PSP covers technological and non-technological innovation that have moved beyond the final research demonstration phase. The ICT PSP does not support research activities; it may cover, when needed, technical adaptation and integration work in order to achieve the objectives.

WBC Participation

Legal entities established in EFTA countries which are members of the European Economic Area (EEA), in accession or candidate countries or the countries of the Western Balkan, as well as other third countries may participate on the basis of and in accordance with the conditions laid down in the relevant agreements.



More details on the call:


The following must be compiled with:

  • Timely submission as specified with the relevant Call for Proposals.
  • Submission of a complete proposal.
  • Compliance of the consortium composition to the rules set out in the Work Programme below:

Pilot A

The consartia must be comprised by a minimum of six relevant national adminstrations or a legal entitiy designated to act on behalf from six different EU Member States and Associated Countries. If a national adminstration is represented in a consortium by a designated legal entity, then the national adminstration will need to certify the legal entity has been designated to act on behalf for the purpose of the pilot.

Pilot B

The consartia must be comprised by a minimum of four independent, legal entities fom four different EU Member States and Associated Countries.

 Best Practice Networks and Thematic Networks

The Consortia must be comprised by a minimum of seven independent, legal entities fom seven different EU Member States and Associated Countries.

For further information relating to this programme, please refer to the CIP ICT Policy Support Programme web site at


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