The eChallenges e-2010 Conference will take place on October 27-29, 2010 in the city of Warsaw, Poland. The deadline for the submission of extended abstracts is February 26, 2010.
Papers are actively encouraged from private as well as national, regional, international and European Commission funded research programmes. The conference language is English and abstracts should be for case studies, technical, legal or policy papers or proposals to arrange workshops. Proposals related to international cooperation, interoperability issues, multi-disciplinary research, eInfrastructures, Smart and Virtual Organisations and papers showcasing commercialisation issues are particularly welcome.
Extended abstracts of 800 – 1,200 words should be submitted online by 26th February 2010. In the case of joint authors, the Conference Organisers will only communicate with the person who uploads the abstract, who is assumed to be the presenter unless we are informed otherwise. Potential authors can submit more than one abstract, but normally an author will not be invited to present more than one paper at the conference, with co-authors expected to register and present other successful submissions. Extended abstracts should focus on a research topic on which either a case study, initial or final results can be published. All papers must highlight the level of innovation. General project descriptions are not appropriate.
Download the call for papers.
Thematic Priorities
The core thematic priorities for e-2010 are:
- eInfrastructures
- ICT for Networked Enterprise & RFID
- eGovernment & eDemocracy
- eHealth – Services to Citizens
- Collaborative Working Environments
- Living Labs
- Digital Libraries and Cultural Heritage
- Intelligent Content and Semantics
- High Performance Computing Applications
- Networked, Smart and Virtual Organisations
- Mobility
- Security and Identity Management
- Technology Enhanced Learning and ICT Skills
Related themes include but are not restricted to:
- eEurope 2020 and ICT take-up by SMEs
- Digital Content & Digital Rights Management – issues, applications & technologies
- eVoting, eParticipation
- eInclusion and eAccessibility
- eTourism
- Future Emerging Technologies
- Knowledge management and technologies
- Interoperability and Standardisation
- Open Source Technologies and Applications
Related topics for papers or sessions may include:
- Best Practice Models – Lessons learnt
- eAdoption – national and sectoral case studies and policy issues
- Future Workplace Design
- Identity Management and Authentication
- Innovation and Technology Transfer
- Legal and Regulatory Challenges for ICT
- Measuring and Benchmarking
- Multimodal Working Environments
Further information about registration and fees:
eChallenges 2010 Conference: