World Summit Award 2010: WSA MOBILE 2010


Invitatie de participare la World Summit Award 2010 – WSA MOBILE 2010. Termenul limita pana la care se pot trimite proiecte este 5 septembrie 2010.

In calitate de exspert WSA va invit sa participati la selectia proiectelor ce vor reprezenta Romania la WSA Mobile 2010. Fie prin proiectele dumneavoastra fie recomandand cunoscutilor dumneavoastra aceasta oportunitate.


Termenul limita pana la care se pot trimite (pe adresa mea) proiecte este 5 septembrie 2010.


Despre WSA Mobile:

As a response to the rapid development and focus change on the content scene, the World Summit Award (WSA) – world’s leading initiative to select and promote the Best in e-Content and innovative applications – has started the WSA Mobile. The new award has been launched in June 2010 with support of and in cooperation with the Abu Dhabi Systems & Information Centre (ADSIC), and is dedicated explicitly to selecting and promoting the world’s best m-Content.

With great support of Abu-Dhabi as the main partner and its global network, the WSA will use its 10 years experience and expertise to answer the main question: “What is really out there in the mobile world, which today might still be inside of a few creative minds, but can become our every day life tomorrow?”


The WSA Mobile is a global initiative is a global initiative to select and promote the world’s best in mobile content and innovative applications. The contest is based on the expertise, mechanism and network of the World Summit Award. It is planned to be held every two years, with the first Winners’ Gala to take place in Abu Dhabi in December 2010 in cooperation and along with the UN DESA GAID Global Forum. All efforts of the World Summit Award are conducted within the framework of, and in cooperation with the United Nations’ World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), mandated by the WSIS Plan of Action and executed in collaboration with UNESCO, UNIDO and UN GAID. The World Summit Award is the flagship initiative of the UN and its Global Alliance for ICT and Development (GAID).


Proietele vor fi incadrate intr-una dintre categoriile urmatoare si vor fi prezentate in limba engleza



  • m-Business & Commerce
  • m-Government & Participation
  • m-Learning & Education
  • m-Entertainment & Lifestyle
  • m-Tourism & Culture
  • m-Media &News
  • m-Environment & Health
  • m-Inclusion & Empowerment


Evaluarea proiectelor va fi realizata de o comisie nationala formata din experti de la urmatoarele institutii: Universitatea Politehnica Bucuresti, Universitatea Nationala de Aparare calor I, Centrul pentru Inovare in Educatie TEHNE, Asociatia ADL Romania, ITC.


Criteriile de evaluare vor fi urmatoarele:



1 — Quality of content and comprehensiveness

2 — Ease of use on the small screen: navigation and orientation

3 — Quality of design: aesthetic value of graphics / music or sounds

4 — Range of functionalities

5 — Technical quality: performance, craftsmanship, stability

S — Strategic importance for the development of a quality Information Society

A — Accessibility: cost effectiveness meeting the social and economic needs of intended user groups



Aceasta este prima activitate 2010-2011 a WSA.


Urmeaza competitia pentru WSA 2011, selectia nationala, in perioada septembrie- decembrie 2010, pentru categoriile:

1. e-Government & Institutions

Delivering complete services in public administrations to individuals, businesses and organisations combined with organisational change in order to significantly improve services and democratic processes and strengthen support to public policies; fostering quality and efficiency of information exchange; empowering citizens and public services clients.

2. e-Health & Environment

Developing the client-centered model of health care where stakeholders collaborate, utilizing ICT, including internet technologies to manage health issues as well as the health care system; meeting the needs of citizens, patients, healthcare professionals, healthcare providers, as well as policy makers.

3. e-Learning & Education

Serving the needs of learners to acquire knowledge and skills for a complex and globalizing world; transforming schools, universities and other educational institutions through interactive, personalized and distributed learning resources; creating active e-learning communities and target models and solutions for corporate training as well as life-long learning.

4. e-Entertainment & Games

Supplying digitized entertainment products and services; entertaining the user in this world’s variety of languages and its cultural diversity; supporting movement from one-way to two-way, from single to multiple players, interactive entertainment and the synergy between analog and digital platforms.

5.  e-Culture & Heritage

Preserving and presenting cultural heritage in line with the challenges of the future; demonstrating valuable cultural assets clearly and informatively using state-of-the-art technology; developing the diversity of cultures and sub-cultures and the multilingual nature of societies.

6. e-Science & Technology

Fostering global collaboration in key areas of science, and the next generation of infrastructure that will enable it; providing measures to promote and demonstrate scientific processes and make them accessible to citizens; scientific projects articulated through new media.

7. e-Business & Commerce

Support and optimization of business processes; creation of new business models in e-commerce and m-commerce, business to business, business to consumers, internet security and other areas; supporting SMEs on the marketplace; using ICTs for buying and selling as well as servicing customers and collaborating with business partners.4

8. e-Inclusion & Participation

Measures supporting integration of the global information society; bringing least developed countries into the knowledge society; reducing “digital divides” between technology-empowered and technology-excluded communities and groups such as rural areas and women; bridging society and strengthening social and political participation of individuals and groups through ICTs.


Asa ca pregatiti-va.


Pentru orice intrebari nu ezitati sa imi scrieti.


Sper ca la Abu Dhabi in December 2010 Romania sa se regaseasca printer laureatii competitiei.


Succes tuturor,


Prof. Radu Jugureanu

World Summit Award Eminent Exepert


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