The conference eGuidance: Widening access to lifelong guidance will take place in Riga (Latvia), 16th and 17th September 2009. You are welcome to register on the on-line form available at:
In June 2006 the European Commission adopted the new i2010 strategy – European Information Society 2011 . Building on the Manchester Declaration from the 2005 Ministerial eGovernment Conference, it had five priorities:
- No citizen left behind
- Making efficiency & effectiveness reality
- High-impact services
- Putting in place key enablers
- Strengthening participation
More than one third of people in the EU do not have access to ICT-based public services. Member States have committed themselves to inclusive eGovernment objectives to ensure that "by 2010 all citizens, including socially disadvantaged groups, become major beneficiaries of eGovernment, and European public administrations deliver public information and services that are more easily accessible and increasingly trusted by the public, through innovative use of ICT, increasing awareness of the benefits of eGovernment, and improved skills and support for all users" (European Commission. eGovernment Progress in EU27+: Reaping the Benefit. Information Society and Media, 19 September 2007).
Public bodies and private organizations will have the opportunity to debate educational and vocational guidance issues during plenary sessions and thematic workshops.
In addition, a specific exposition area will enable participants to see the most recent products and services in the field of e-guidance.
The conference is jointly organized by the ELPGN – European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network ( and by the eGOS project ( with the support of the European Commission through the Lifelong Learning and CIP programmes.
You are welcome to register on the on-line form available at: