eLearning Papers No. 17 | December 2009


eLearning Papers (www.elearningpapers.eu) adds a new dimension to the exchange of information on e-learning in Europe and stimulates research. As such, the articles provide views regarding the current situation and e-learning trends in different communities: schools, universities, companies, civil society and institutions. eLearning Papers provides all those interested with an opportunity to have their texts published throughout Europe. Through these articles, the journal promotes the use of ICT for lifelong learning in Europe.

Name of the publication: eLearning Papers
Edited by: P.A.U. Education, S.L., Barcelona, Spain
Email: editorial[at]elearningeuropa.info
Internet: www.elearningpapers.eu
Editorial board: director, Roberto Carneiro,Dean, Institute for Distance Learning, Catholic University of Portugal, Portugal

The scope of the eLearning Papers reflects the four interest areas of elearningeuropa.info: schools, higher education, training and work and learning and society. All e-learning related themes are accepted as topics. The following topics are given as an example: Technologies; PedagogyProcess; Quality and evaluationeInclusion; Learning environments.

Content: eLearning Papers n° 17, December 2009

"The landscape of eLearning content is in the midst of interesting changes. While the development of digital media is providing radical new opportunities for both learning content providers and for students, the increasing bandwidth of telecommunications enables the unforeseen use of media rich material (video clips, audio clips, simulations etc.) in eLearning provision. Besides, digital libraries and other resources are liberating providers and students from the use of physical establishments with restricted access. However, as the articles in this number of eLearning Papers show, we must reassess the visual and pedagogical challenges of eLearning content. In the upcoming future, learning content will originate from a much wider variety of actors, with important producers being for example third sector organizations, museums, news companies, etc. The exchange of these elements will constitute an opportunity for educational parties to gain access to a vast offer of new valuable resources. However, although the attractive technological opportunities are providing an array of opportunities for eLearning, good eLearning still needs to be well designed, implemented and supported. There are important aspects of thorough pedagogical and instructional design that must continue to be followed. The interactivity of eLearning content does not just happen; it must be carefully planned and executed. Therefore, the access to learning will continue to be a key challenge in the future." (Ari-Matti Auvinen, www.elearningpapers.eu, 2009).

Editorial: eLearning Content , Ari-Matti Auvinen

1.    Experiences with the Learning Resource Exchange for schools in Europe
By Peter Baumgartner, Riina Vuorikari, Frans Van Assche, Erik Duval , Birgit Zens, David Massart, Bram Vandeputte, Fernand Mesdom
2.    Quality evaluation of eLearning through an international peer-review community
By Ulf-Daniel Ehlers & Jochen Joste
3.    The challenge of quality in peer-produced eLearning content
By Ari-Matti Auvine
4.    Pedagogically-Oriented Evaluation Criteria for Educational Web Resources
By Alivizos Sofos & Apostolos Kosta
5.    Visual and pedagogical design of eLearning content
By Olimpius Istrate

E-learning resources:
– http://www.scienter.org
– http://www.menon.org
– http://www.education-observatories.net
– http://www.qualityfoundation.org
– http://www.alis-online.org



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