WORKSHOP: The Road of IT Towards Public Services


    Universitatea „Nicolae TITULESCU” Bucureşti şi Universitatea din Bucureşti, Facultatea de Administraţie şi Afaceri vă invită să participaţi la atelierul de lucru „Drumul IT-ului spre serviciile publice”, la sediul Universităţii N. Titulescu Bucureşti. Programul şi o parte din comunicările de la această ediţie vor putea fi consultate la adresa:

    Moto: "One’s destination is never a place, but rather
    a new way of looking at things
    " – Henry Miller


    Assoc. Professor PhD. Eng. ADRIANA BARNOSCHI


    More and more organizations are turning to solutions to force revenue growth, productivity and customer agreement. When correctly deployed, management implementation produces a significant ROI. IT decision makers considering new Web services deployments or extending the reach of current projects to customers, partners and suppliers will face challenging buying decisions in the next five years.

    Enterprise IT shops doing Web services or service-oriented architectures need these technologies, but in buying from the niche players means they are introducing new vendors into their environment. Introducing new vendors for these specialized technologies also adds to the planning, building, testing, maintenance and integration loads on staff.


    –         To provide a supportive role in the Information Technology’s adaptation by the Public Administration;

    –         To engage in activities that develop and promote IT&C;

    –         To shed a light on the principles of  ROI in IT&C;

    –         To learn how many steps you should follow in building a career.

    With our eyes constantly fixed on the future, we are building the foundation for the achievements of tomorrow!


    –         Students, teachers and researchers  with attention in the multidisciplinary topics listed above;

    –         Office worker in Public Administration;

    –         IT engineers and technicians;

    –         Commercial contractors and potential users;

    –         Managers and consultants, all over the world.


    But are not limited to:

    –         WEB Services and Administrative Services;

    –         Benefits of IT&C Consolidation (case studies, software solutions and results);

    –         Communications inside SME (applications, projects, CRM implementation);

    –         Career management;

    –         IT in creating infrastructures for public sector.

    Romanian and English are the official languages of all activities.

    Format of the Workshop

    he workshop will comprise of invited talks, oral and poster presentations. The proceedings of the workshop will be published in the form of a book, with ISSN and a CD-ROM as well.

    Registration Information

    To attend the workshop you need to register at Workshop Technical Secretary or chairperson.

    Important dates:

    –         Full paper submission: : May 25th, 2007

    –         Author notification: May 31th, 2007

    –         Camera-ready version: May 31th , 2007

    –         Workshop: June 7, 2007

    NO Registration fee:

    Submission of Papers

    Prospective authors are invited to submit papers for oral presentation dealing with any aspect of the areas listed above, including theory and practice. Only full papers in Romanian or English will be accepted, and the length of the paper should not exceed 10 pages (5000 words). Instructions for preparing the manuscript (in Word, PPT and PDF formats) are available in the conference web page. All papers will be sent by e-mail to Workshop Chairperson (e-mail address:

    Conference Location

    The workshop will be held at "Nicolae TITULESCU" University, 185 VACARESTI Ave., Bucharest.


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