WOMEN-IN: Promoting women participation and mobility – an online tool for training itineraries design


The project ”Telework for life-work reconciliation in EU: promoting women participation and mobility – WOMEN IN” is aiming to encourage women participation in labour market by promoting the teleworking option, providing with the essential transversal skills and key competences on teleworking. At the same time, the project aims at promoting the teleworking option at institutional level, as workplace flexibility programme and its potential benefits to the company. The online environment will provide a direct access to an innovative auto – diagnostic tool and designed training itineraries and best practices that will be developed also in frame of project.

The project Telework for life-work reconciliation in EU: promoting women participation and mobility – WOMEN IN, ref.2011-1-ES1-LEO05-36491, has been funded by the European Commission, Leonardo da Vinci Programme, Transfer of Innovation Subprogramme and will be implemented during October 2011 – September 2013.

The project is based on the results of a previous very successful project “Telework for the life-work reconciliation of Spanish women” (El teletrabajo en la conciliación de la vida familiar y laboral de las mujeres españolas, ref. TSI-040100-2008-10) which has been financed by the Spanish Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Commerce, within the framework of „Plan Avanza”, sub-programme „Digital citizenship” and European Social Fund.

In the frame of WOMEN IN project, 7 highly experienced partners: UGT Euskadi (ES) (project promoter), INVESLAN (ES) (project coordinator), BEST (AT), EEDE (EL), INFOART (BG), GINGERBREAD (UK) AND INCSMPS (RO), from six European countries are developing an interactive online environment, based on web 2.0, aiming to encourage women participation in labour market by promoting the teleworking option, providing with the essential transversal skills and key competences on teleworking. At the same time, the project aims at promoting the teleworking option at institutional level, as workplace flexibility programme and its potential benefits to the company.

The project is designed to approach two direct target groups: women on the on hand, and managers, human resources directors of the companies, on the other.

Specific objectives to be reached can be summarized as follows:

  • To extend the concept of teleworking at European level, by carrying out a comparative analysis on flexible workplace and teleworking policies in partner countries and drawing conclusions and recommendations for the actions to be taken, in order to promote women participation in teleworking.
  • To develop an auto-diagnostic tool for key competences, necessary for teleworking, as well as, to design a training itinerary of transversal skills for teleworking and contributing to women inclusion into knowledge society .
  • To raise awareness on flexible workplace policies and benefits at the institutional/company level.
  • To provide the managers and human resources directors with the basic management skills, to prepare them to design and implement the flexible workplace management policies.
  • To develop an interactive online environment, based on web 2.0, to be addressed to both target groups. The online environment will stand as a resource center and meeting point, as well as will provide a direct access to the auto – diagnostic tool and designed training itineraries and best practices.

In order to extend the concept of teleworking at European level, was carried out a comparative analysis on flexible workplace and teleworking policies in partner countries and drawing conclusions and recommendations for the actions to be taken, in order to promote women participation in teleworking.

For this comparative analyze, the Romanian partner INCSMPS has undertaken researches about: participation of Romanian women on labour market; women and teleworking; implemented work-life reconciliation programmes; women usage of the new technologies and training needs/qualification for teleworking etc. The results of researches showed that in Romania the teleworking, as possible option for life reconciliation and promotion of participation on labour market in general and for woman participation in particular, is not developed. So far, Romania has not adopted any specific legislation regulating telework, nor did the social partners conclude any collective agreement covering this topic. For this type of work, the applicable rules are those from the chapter on ‘Work at home’ of the current Labour Code.

However, analyzing the few available statistical data, the study conclude that the Romanian woman have the potential for performing as teleworkers( for example, concerning Internet use frequency, in 2011, 62% of woman of 16 – 74 years have used the computer every day or almost every day). Also, in Romania are many initiatives and are developed several projects that have as target group female human resource and as main objective training in the field of initiation and development of skills in computer use.

In the next stages of project the Romanian partner will contribute to development of auto-diagnostic tool for key competences, necessary for teleworking available in Romanian language, to design a training itinerary of transversal skills for teleworking and contributing to women inclusion into knowledge society,. as well as to development of interactive online environment, based on web 2.0. The online environment will stand as a resource center and meeting point, as well as will provide a direct access to the auto – diagnostic tool and designed training itineraries and best practices and will be available into Romanian language also.

For more information and news about project’s progress, please follow us on www.woman-in.eu


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